PRecISion Medicine Cancer Center

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PRISM: a new Institut Hospitalo Universitaire for Gustave Roussy

PRISM: a new Institut Hospitalo Universitaire for Gustave Roussy

Gustave Roussy's Prism program, labeled "National precision center against cancer" by the National Research Agency (ANR) in 2018, obtained the "Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire" (IHU) label. Based on a transformative vision of cancer care, Prism is supported by a...

Thomas gilbert was at Gustave Roussy

Thomas gilbert was at Gustave Roussy

Thomas Gilbert was at Gustave Roussy to conclude his very remarquable charity adventure "Vent dans le dos contre la maladie" (Wind in the back against illness). The adventurer had set himself the goal of cycling accross Canada, alone, from Vancouver to Quebec (5500...

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Bodywide ecological interventions on cancer

Bodywide ecological interventions on cancer

Guido Kroemer, Jennifer L. McQuade, Miriam Merad, Fabrice André & Laurence Zitvogel Bodywide ecological interventions on cancer Nature medicine Abstract Historically, cancer research and therapy have focused on malignant cells and their tumor microenvironment....

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Prism  IHU

Bâtiment de médecine moléculaire

32 Rue Camille Desmoulins

94800 Villejuif

Tél. +33(0)1 42 11 00 00

info -at- prism.center



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