par prism | Nov 8, 2022 | Publications
Yoann Pradat, Julien Viot, Konstantin Gunbin, Andrey Yurchenko, Luigi Cerbone, Marc Deloger, Guillaume Grisay, Loic Verlingue, Véronique Scott, Ismael Padioleau, Leonardo Panunzi, Stefan Michiels,...
par prism | Oct 24, 2022 | Publications
Fabrice Andre, Thomas Filleron, Maud Kamal, Fernanda Mosele, Monica Arnedos, Florence Dalenc, Marie-Paule Sablin, Mario Campone, Hervé Bonnefoi, Claudia Lefeuvre-Plesse, William Jacot, Florence Coussy, Jean-Marc Ferrero, George Emile, Marie-Ange Mouret-Reynier,...
par prism | Sep 27, 2022 | Médias, News
Thomas Gilbert was at Gustave Roussy to conclude his very remarquable charity adventure “Vent dans le dos contre la maladie” (Wind in the back against illness). The adventurer had set himself the goal of cycling accross Canada, alone, from Vancouver to...
par prism | Sep 26, 2022 | Publications
Fabrice Andre, Mosele Fernanda, Elise Deluche, Amelie Lusque, Loic Le-Bescond, Thomas Filleron, Yoann Pradat, Agnes Ducoulombier, Barbara Pistilli, Thomas Bachelot, Frederic Viret, Christelle Levy, Nicolas Signolle, Alexia Alfaro, Diep Tran, Ingrid Garberis, Hugues...
par prism | Sep 16, 2022 | Publications
A Bayle, F Peyraud, L Belcaid, M Brunet, M Aldea, R Clodion, P Dubos, D Vasseur, C Nicotra, A Geraud, M Sakkal, L Cerbone, F Blanc-Durand, F Mosele, P Martin Romano, M Ngo Camus, I Soubeyran, E Khalifa, M Alame, L Blouin, D Dinart, C Bellera, A Hollebecque, S Ponce, Y...